IIP – Index Of Industrial Production

IIP – Index Of Industrial Production : A recent report in the hindi says that IIP shrinks by 4.3% lowest in 8 years. The question comes , what is IIP and many other things , here we are going to tell…
Education Section – Youngistan Junction.
In this category we provide all articles related to education from class 1 to graduation , all subjects. We have UPSC topics too and daily current affairs
IIP – Index Of Industrial Production : A recent report in the hindi says that IIP shrinks by 4.3% lowest in 8 years. The question comes , what is IIP and many other things , here we are going to tell…
Water Crisis In India : Water crisis is major problem for the whole world now days and its affecting india too, here we are going to tell you about some data and reports provided by official that will help you in…
RCEP and Its Members : Few days back Indian prime minister Narendra Modi decided to move out from RCEP , now the question is What Is RCEP ? RCEP kya hai and who are its members , we are going…
G-Quadruplexes : If you are little bit aware about the latest researches going on now days you must came across the term G-quadruplexes or Gquadruplexes. Here we will tell your more about that and details it will solve your questions…
Superbug – Antibiotic Resistance : Here we are going to discuss the what are superbugs or what is superbug bacteria and what is antibiotic resistance. What is Superbug ? Those bacteria which are antibiotic resistance are known as the superbug.…
The Vindhyan Systems : Previously we were discussing the CUDDAPAH SYSTEMS from chapter structure of india from the Indian geography by Majid Hussain. Now we will discuss the topic the rocks of the vindhyan system , we will provide summary…
The Cuddapah Systems or The Purana Group : the third formation that we have to study in Indian Geography is the cuddapah system, we have already discuss the other formations like The Archaean & Dharwar, Please check those too for clear…
Dharwar System Or Proterozoic Formations : from the first chapter of Indian geography we will now study the point wise summary & details of Dharwar system, in previous post we have discussed The ARCHAEAN FORMATIONS and now we are going…
The Archaean Formations or Pre Cambrian Era : The first ever topic that appear when we start reading geography for upsc and start reading the Geography of India by Majid Hussain or any other high level competitive examinations is the…
The Decline Of Mughal Empire is topic from the history of modern India by bipin Chandra, this topic is first ever topic that comes when we start reading about the history of Modern India. Here we will try to summarise…