“Rangeen Baatein” is an upcoming Hindi web series from Dreams Films Originals. The series is set to release on 7 April 2023 and will be available to watch online on the Dreams Films Originals website and app. The series features an impressive cast, including Komal Sharma, Shivanya Sharma, and Gaurav Singh.
The storyline of the series revolves around a young man who meets two women, leading to the development of a romantic relationship between them. The series promises to be a mix of romance and drama, leaving viewers engaged with the unfolding events.
With an intriguing plotline and talented cast, “Rangeen Baatein” is sure to be a hit among fans of Indian web series. The series is an exciting addition to the lineup of Dreams Films Originals, and fans can’t wait for its release on 7 April 2023.