CBSE New Rule For Class 10 Maths Examination 2020

CBSE New Rule For Class 10 Maths Examination 2020 Basic and Standard Mathematics Full Details Summary : From academic year 2019-2020 cbse is going to introduce two types of Mathematics examination for class 10, cbse named it as Mathematics Basic & Mathematics Standard. We are going to tell you more about this new circular of cbse in detail.

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What Is Mathematics Basic & Mathematics Standard ?

Cbse said that there will be two types of maths question papers in examination of class 10 from 2020, one will be paper of Mathematics Standard and other will be paper of Mathematics Basic. Question level for the Mathematics standard will be same as of now and the question level for Mathematics basic will be easier as compared to Mathematics Standard.

A student can choose any one of the two papers while filling the registration and examination form which is usually done in the months of October and November. The mathematics basic is introduced for those who are not will to take maths in their class 11.

Below is the table that will clear all the doubt and confusion regarding the Cbse new Rule for Class 10 Maths Examination.

Mathematics StandardMathematics Basic
Level Of ExaminationSame Of NowEassy

Table above show the clear picture and difference between these both level of examinations.

What if Any Student gets Compart or Fail ?

Cbse has plan for those who are not able to get passing marks in any of math examination, those who opted for Mathematics – Standard can choose any one of two papers i.e bsic and standard for their compart examination and those who choose mathematics basic can only choose basic paper for compartmental examination.

Table below will make it more clear :

In case of failure inCompartment Option
Math - BasicMath - Basic
Math - StandardMath - Basic Or Math - Standard

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